IWSC - Protection of the environmentIntelliware Solutions Company recognises its responsibilities and is committed to the protection of its employees, customers, neighbours and the environment.
Action on all parts of this policy is the responsibility of all employees and will be continuously monitored and improved.
IWSC will endeavour to:
- Encourage all employees to discuss and implement environmental issues with regards to improving efficiency, energy efficiency, recycling, and reducing waste also sharing values and setting realistic objectives
- Provide a forum to encourage employee involvement
- Meet all legislative requirements being aware of any policy changes
- Reduce consumption of materials and promote reuse of recyclable materials
- Be energy efficient and to reduce the amount of energy we use as much as possible
- Develop products that are safe to the environment while making efficient use of resources
- Work closely with or customers, suppliers and distributors to encourage and promote environmental issues
- Ensure that the office buildings and the surrounding land are free from noise pollution, waste products and that properties are maintained to a high standard as to not offend the surrounding environment
- Monitor both energy consumption for improved environmental performance
- Educate and involve staff in the implementation of this policy, gaining greater commitment and improved environmental performance