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IWSC is Authorized Reseller
Exchange rates
These rates are provided by National Bank of Romania and are automaticaly updated every day.

Rates for: 23.01.2024
1 USD = 4.5780 RON
1 EUR = 4.9767 RON
iwGATE - Intelliware Management System (IMS)

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IWSC provides professional datacenter services, better than which a hosting-only company might offer.
We take pride in our services being superior. Unlike many competitors, we own, operate and support the services we provide down to the last cable and disk, because we own the datacenter.

The conclusion: You will get fast, stable, unbeatable prices services. Still not sure? Take a look through the specifications below and we are sure you will agree.

Professional datacenter
  • World-class networking
  • Gigabit Ethernet backbone
  • Multiple, redundant, broadband connections totaling 1 Gbps Metropolitan Bandwidth and 20 Mbps Internet Bandwidth
  • Full BGP peering with all providers
  • Full power redundancy by using powerful and performant batteries and power generators
  • Permanent cooling and venting given by powerful cooling units
  • Fire protection, suppression, and detection system
  • Equipments and facility monitoring system
Systems, infrastructure and security
  • Professional equipments: IBM, HP, DELL servers; CISCO routers; CISCO, NORTEL, D-LINK and 3COM Layer2 and Layer3 switches
  • Full network redundancy
  • Prevention systems ensure network perimeter remains secure
  • Automatic email scanning for virus and spam detection and cleaning provides complete protection (only for hosting plans)
Related Services Categories
Web Hosting
Web services hosting: dns, web pages, email, ftp, blog, forum, database, backup
About Web Hosting
NO spyware, adware, malware
IWSC's services work on professional equipments:
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