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Exchange rates |
These rates are provided by National Bank of Romania and are automaticaly updated every day.
Rates for: 23.01.2024 |
1 USD = |
4.5780 RON |
1 EUR = |
4.9767 RON |
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Fleet and Transport |
Fleet Management has evolved rapidly over the past few years with the introduction of M2M applications offering a cost effective means of managing your fleet of vehicles in real time via a wireless network.
M2M Fleet Management solutions allow you to monitor the performance of each individual vehicle, rental car or truck in a fleet with information such as vehicle speed, fuel consumption, excessive acceleration or braking. Information is sent back to a central monitoring point to alert the fleet owner of potential vehicle failure or maintenance issues. GPS information can also be sent via the wireless network for precise vehicle location allowing efficient route planning of your fleet.
Fleet management applications include:
- Vehicle tracking of rental cars, taxi and truck fleets
- Cargo tracking
- Road, Rail, Air and Sea logistics
- Route planning