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Backup hosting

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These rates are provided by National Bank of Romania and are automaticaly updated every day.

Rates for: 23.01.2024
1 USD = 4.5780 RON
1 EUR = 4.9767 RON
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Backup hosting
Our web backup provides a solution to ensure the safety and quick recovery of your IWSC web hosting data.
IWSC's backup solutions provide a fixed amount of disk space and customers are able to incrementally backup on a daily basis. We do not oversell our services and your space is carved out just for you.
IWSC's backup solution is a highly reliable service that allows you to continuously back up your important IWSC hosted data in our secure professional datacenter and allows for data to be immediately available for recovery 24 hours a day.

The web backup plans can be used only for IWSC web hosting plans data backup.
Display prices in:  
Web backup plans BK-1000 BK-2000 BK-4000 BK-8000 BK-12000
Rapid backup space 1000 MB 2000 MB 4000 MB 8000 MB 12000 MB
Traffic unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Redundant system (RAID)
365/24/7 availability
Monthly fee 2.48 EUR 4.96 EUR 9.92 EUR 18.85 EUR 23.81 EUR
The prices on this page include 19% V.A.T.
Financial Plan: subscription costs to the period contracted
Invoicing BK-1000 BK-2000 BK-4000 BK-8000 BK-12000
1 month   --  --  --  18.85 EUR 23.81 EUR
3 months   --  --  29.76 EUR 56.55 EUR 71.43 EUR
6 months   --  29.76 EUR 59.52 EUR 113.1 EUR 142.86 EUR
12 months  (-10%) 26.78 EUR 53.57 EUR 107.14 EUR 203.58 EUR 257.15 EUR
24 months  (-15%) 50.59 EUR 101.18 EUR 202.37 EUR 384.54 EUR 485.72 EUR
36 months  (-20%) 71.42 EUR 142.85 EUR 285.7 EUR 542.88 EUR 685.73 EUR
60 months  (-25%) 111.6 EUR 223.2 EUR 446.4 EUR 848.25 EUR 1071.45 EUR
The prices on this page include 19% V.A.T.
You can personalize web hosting plans using the CONFIGURATOR.
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