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Personal Security
Protecting workers when they are on the job is increasingly becoming more important and receiving far greater focus of management of businesses. IWSC understands this environment and works with many companies in areas where staff could be at risk such as:
  • Drivers of dangerous load vehicles
  • Couriers carrying high value cargo
  • Emergency Service workers in the field
  • Many "lone worker" activities where there is just one person working, such as home support and medical staff, delivery staff, and sole workers at a business

We work with developers to provide mobile solutions that track where staff and their vehicles are and have just added in additional products that can also give your staff emergency communications such as panic buttons and "man-down" alarms when they leave their vehicle, linking via vehicle tracking hardware or other communications to Monitoring and Control Center (MCC).

You can also use cellular for communications from fixed locations to provide both a more secure system than many landline based systems but also a far more cost effective solution. Today the data speeds can even manage basic video transmission and we will see rapid changes that will allow high quality video to be transferred over cellular.
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