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Kaspersky® Anti-Virus for MAC

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Kaspersky® Anti-Virus for MAC
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Anti-Virus for Mac NEW

Advanced Protection for your Mac

Kaspersky® Anti-Virus for Mac has been developed to meet the specific security requirements of Mac users who know the value of the data stored on their computers, along with the need to keep them running smoothly.

As one of the most successful specialist software security companies in the world, you can trust Kaspersky’s award-winning technologies to protect your music, photos, files and sensitive information, and prevent you passing malware threats on to friends and colleagues when exchanging information with other types of computers.
Protection From a Range of Threats
System Requirements
  • Real-time scanning of files, Internet downloads and mail attachments
  • Includes latest Kaspersky® antivirus technologies for better protection
  • Fast and non-intrusive with only 1% CPU impact on your Mac performance
  • Familiar Mac-style appearance and operation
  • Special safeguards to prevent Kaspersky® Anti-Virus from being compromised
  • Automatic regular and emergency updates for always-on protection
  • Prevents you passing non-Mac threats on to friends and colleagues using different types of computers
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