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Shared server

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1 USD = 4.5780 RON
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iwGATE - Intelliware Management System (IMS)

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Shared server
Shared web hosting is one of hosting types IWSC offers. In a shared hosting environment, many different clients share the same server and the same resources. While each client has their own limits on storage space, the same web server, e-mail server, database server and even physical memory are shared.

 » Review the advantages of IWSC shared hosting
 » Is shared hosting right for my needs?

All of our shared hosting plans are available on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annual, biannual or semi-decade basis. The longer the term - the more you save!
The first table below will present you with our shared hosting plans and characteristics and the monthly cost of each. Click on each plan details link to see the plan's features.
The second table shows you the cost of each per term and the discounts provided.
If you're confused about the terminology or the web hosting process in general, take a look at our web hosting guide. It lays out the basics of web hosting and some of the features and services commonly offered. It also explains the difference between the different types of web hosting.
Display prices in:  
Web hosting plans WH-1000 WH-2000 WH-4000 WH-8000 WH-12000
Allocated space on disk 1000 MB 2000 MB 4000 MB 8000 MB 12000 MB
Traffic unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Access in iwGate interface
Plan characteristics details details details details details
Monthly fee 1.9 EUR 3.8 EUR 7.6 EUR 14.44 EUR 18.24 EUR
The prices on this page include 19% V.A.T.
Financial Plan: subscription costs to the period contracted
Invoicing WH-1000 WH-2000 WH-4000 WH-8000 WH-12000
1 month   --  --  --  --  18.24 EUR
3 months   --  --  22.8 EUR 43.32 EUR 54.72 EUR
6 months   --  22.8 EUR 45.6 EUR 86.64 EUR 109.44 EUR
12 months  (-10%) 20.52 EUR 41.04 EUR 82.08 EUR 155.95 EUR 196.99 EUR
24 months  (-15%) 38.76 EUR 77.52 EUR 155.04 EUR 294.58 EUR 372.1 EUR
36 months  (-20%) 54.72 EUR 109.44 EUR 218.88 EUR 415.87 EUR 525.31 EUR
60 months  (-25%) 85.5 EUR 171 EUR 342 EUR 649.8 EUR 820.8 EUR
The prices on this page include 19% V.A.T.
You can personalize web hosting plans using the CONFIGURATOR.
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