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IWSC complies with RoHS

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RoHS Compliance

Statement on the “RoHS” Directive

The European Union has adopted the new Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which restricts the use of certain substances in electrical and electronic products, including lead (Pb), mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, and certain halide-containing flame retardants. The directive applies to all electrical and electronic products, and their component parts, placed on the market after 1st July 2006.

Intelliware Solutions Company is committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the restriction of hazardous substances in electronic products.

The RoHS Directive specifies that an electronic product or component may not contain a listed substance except as specifically provided for in the directive.

IWSC’s products have been made to comply with the RoHS Directive and products are denoted by the “RoHS” etiquette.

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