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Remote storage

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iwGATE - Intelliware Management System (IMS)

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Remote storage
If you wanted to transport files from one location to another, you would have a case with a set of floppy disks in them. The floppy disk reigned supreme for a long time but as file sizes became larger and larger, floppies became impractical.
Rewritable CDs have helped pick up some of the slack. So have USB thumb drives. But both of these devices have limited capacity and have to be carried around like the old fashioned floppies.
Now you can access files from anywhere you have Internet access if you have a IWSC remote storage account using any FTP client (eg. WinSCP) or "remote drive" application (eg. WebDrive or FtpDrive).
Once you have installed it on your workstation, it works seamlessly as if the remote storage was a physical device inside your system. If you have a laptop and Internet access, you can access your files wherever you go. Even if you don't have your machine with you, you can still access your files by logging into your iwGate account using any workstation running any operating system.
Display prices in:  
Remote storage plans RS-1000 RS-2000 RS-5000 RS-10000 RS-20000
Remote storage space 1000 MB 2000 MB 5000 MB 10000 MB 20000 MB
Traffic unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
Redundant system (RAID)
365/24/7 availability
Monthly fee 2.48 EUR 4.96 EUR 11.78 EUR 19.84 EUR 39.68 EUR
The prices on this page include 19% V.A.T.
Financial Plan: subscription costs to the period contracted
Invoicing RS-1000 RS-2000 RS-5000 RS-10000 RS-20000
1 month   --  --  --  19.84 EUR 39.68 EUR
3 months   --  --  35.34 EUR 59.52 EUR 119.04 EUR
6 months   --  29.76 EUR 70.68 EUR 119.04 EUR 238.08 EUR
12 months  (-5%) 28.27 EUR 56.54 EUR 134.29 EUR 226.18 EUR 452.35 EUR
24 months  (-10%) 53.57 EUR 107.14 EUR 254.45 EUR 428.54 EUR 857.09 EUR
36 months  (-15%) 75.89 EUR 151.78 EUR 360.47 EUR 607.1 EUR 1214.21 EUR
60 months  (-20%) 119.04 EUR 238.08 EUR 565.44 EUR 952.32 EUR 1904.64 EUR
The prices on this page include 19% V.A.T.
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